In forecasting the future of cardiovascular disease in the United States, a report by the American Heart Association shows Baby Boomers and cardiovascular disease on a direct collision course. By 2030, it is projected that more than 40% of Americans will have some form of cardiovascular disease. Even the most health-conscious Baby Boomers won’t escape cardiovascular disease. One in three members of this generation will eventually develop heart problems.
With their active lifestyles and desire to play a more assertive role in making healthcare decisions, Baby Boomers are forcing manufacturers of cardiovascular devices to rethink quality of life design requirements. Design and functional compromises that might have been tolerated by previous generations could be the kiss-of-death to the commercial success of new devices aimed at Boomers. Even with life-sustaining devices, such as left ventricular assist devices (LVADs), focus has shifted to quality of life they provide, not just the quantity of years they can add to it. At the same time, increasing focus on the cost of healthcare is putting new pressures on medical device manufacturers to provide high-value solutions.